Though this is a holiday rather than a fundraising event, people have been kind enough to want to give donations. So as I've entered the 'Cycle 4 Cynthia' bike ride on 25 September, it seems logical to start the fundraising for that. So if anyone wishes to give a donation, here is the link to my Just Giving page: -

Thank you!

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Day 4: Littleport to Emberton - 72 miles

Cloudy again. At least tent was dry to pack. Some sunshine in the morning which made going pleasant. Less wind too.
Little Downham very pleasant. Strange how different the villages are here, to those very austere and lonely places just a few miles north. There is an Anglican- Methodist church here; interesting that they seem to have kept both sites!
Bank holiday over, farm work being done, mostly cultivation but still some harvest to be got in. So on one side is ripe wheat and on the other, next year's crop greening through.
Had a bit of deja vu at Coveney ( went through there on day one). Back through Sutton to Earith and alongside the Hundred Foot Drain, another terribly long straight road. Found this was Huntingdon shire, and have to think it rather dull...
Crossed A1M at 37 miles, doing good time, but went astray at Alconbury ( too many of them ) so had to go through Woolley and Barham. Some rolling countryside more; managed 36mph on downhill to Spaldwick. Crossed A14 and went on to Kimbolton for lunch. Stopped at Olivers and had the most appreciated jacket spud ever and a nice long break with book and coffee.
Came out to unlock bike, only to find I couldn't. Fiddled with it for ages before admitting I was going to need help with this challenge. Went back to Olivers to the shop area and asked to borrow a Yellow Pages. After a minute the girl asked what was up. Explained problem and she immediately nominated her boss to fix it. He could not have been more helpful or more kind. He didn't have any tools but managed to get hold of some bolt cutters and after a few mins, my bike was free. Couldn't thank him enough! Bought new lock from hardware shop and off I went, chuffed by the kindness of strangers.
Through Pertenhall to Swineshead and Riseley. Passed the kennels at Sharnbrook - Rushden just 5 miles up the road. Hello Mum and Dad.
Day got more and more grey, quite depressing; also think I'm tired.  Through Odell, Harrold, Carlton et al to Emberton. Got a pitch at the country park which takes the biscuit for the most ludicrously over priced pitch fee ever at £21. But too tired to find an alternative. Short day tomorrow to Stratford.

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