Though this is a holiday rather than a fundraising event, people have been kind enough to want to give donations. So as I've entered the 'Cycle 4 Cynthia' bike ride on 25 September, it seems logical to start the fundraising for that. So if anyone wishes to give a donation, here is the link to my Just Giving page: -

Thank you!

Saturday 27 August 2011

Day 1: Home to Brandon - 81.48 miles

Summary: 81.48 miles, 6 hours 56 mins cycling time, 8 3/4 hours actual time, max speed 34 mph, finishing average speed 12 mph (not the average over the whole day but a good guide as to progress).

Had just five hours sleep due to lots of last minute stuff including storing music on the i-pod, which took far too long. More last minute jobs in morning then Andy and Alfie came round to see me off, hence getting a picture with me in it.

Left at 7am. Two miles up the road had to replace GPS batteries. Also experienced my first hill, which was testing. Forgot just how heavy a fully laden bike is and all roads out of Kettering are uphill.
Weather not bad; grey and cloudy but dry.
So through Warkton to Slipton and took track through the Drayton estate ( no cycling - had to walk).

Past the elaborately crenellated House (picture left) to Lowick and its church with many steeples. Thorpe Waterville and track to Clopton, Thurning, Luddington. First wrong turn at Clopton. Making good time though, nearly 20 miles by 9am. Lots of red kites about, hunting over the stubbles.
On towards Gt Gidding and Cambs. Lots of very large fields. Crossed the A1M at Holme and saw a light aircraft, later a sign to Peterborough business airport.

Ramsey, small and pretty. My route notes say this at sea level; can well believe it as making very good time. Stopped at level crossing for train to pass and on other side suddenly was in Fenland. Thought a farm track had been tarred; it was a ploughed headland, the soil black peat, black as treacle. Amazing the sudden change.
Roads long and dead straight, and everywhere pancake flat. On drove roads now. Long Drove earns its name!

Ramsey St Marys. Town! Shops! People! Has a ruined Abbey, now National Trust owned. From what's left can see it was beautiful once. (picture left).

Farm tracks across Gaunt Fen and Pickle Fen. Very rough, had to walk, but sun out and very pleasant. Felt I was slodging for first time. Fen slodgers describe people that lived here when it was all still flooded. Feel it is a verb we should resurrect. I slodge, thou slodgest, he slodges, we slodge...

Bike and self covered in black peat, hit road to Ferry Hill and Sutton. Very warm now, then spot of rain; put jacket on and sun came back out. Picture of Delph river nr Sutton.

The route plan mentioned a place called Jerusalem but didn't see it. Shame, as hoping to go to Bethlehem ( in Wales). At Coveney saw sign for Ely, just 4.5 miles and even more amazing, could see the cathedral on the horizon from there. It's that flat. Got into Ely at 1pm, incredibly did nearly 60 miles in just 6 hours. Couldn't believe good rate of progress.
Went to Cathedral for a pic, attached. Went round it about a year ago, took nearly all day. Today a wedding party was having photos on the green.

There was a European market in town, lovely atmosphere. Found outside cafe for luch. Nice to just sit and watch world go by.
More level crossings, to Prickwillow, and then a sign announcing Burnt Feb, Suffolk. And suddenly the scenery changed again. Fields were smaller. Different crops - Fenland is wheat, potatoes, onions; here was kale and maize for silage. And lots more trees. You don't appreciate trees until you haven't seen any for miles.

Lakenheath, pretty village. Woodland fenced off. MOD?
Brandon a large town. Found the Ram Hotel which does camping (£4) and the local ale, Rusty Bucket. Can't believe did 80 miles before 4pm. I like flat countryside.

1 comment:

  1. Thats almost as far as Hadrian's wall long distance path! Five days walking! well done you!
