Though this is a holiday rather than a fundraising event, people have been kind enough to want to give donations. So as I've entered the 'Cycle 4 Cynthia' bike ride on 25 September, it seems logical to start the fundraising for that. So if anyone wishes to give a donation, here is the link to my Just Giving page: -

Thank you!

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Bike work takes longer than you think

Funny how some jobs that should take ages don't, yet a potentially quick job such as sorting the baggage for the bike managed to take all evening. At least what needs to be attached to the bike is attached and what isn't is goiing to get left.

The food shopping is done (not that it took long; I don't want to carry too much). Much of it comprises the staples of pepperami, individual portions of cheese, fun size chocolate bars and Lucozade. I was also glad to find the batteries I wanted, though aghast at the price. Lithium AAs don't come cheap but are worth it for the gps unit. Normal batteries struggle to last out one day; a set of these will last for about three days. And at £2 per battery (yes that's right) it's as well I don't need too many of them.

Piles of stuff are starting to gather around tbe house; spare clothes in one corner, camping gear in another; a pile of electronics on a table, food in the kitchen. i was a bit concerned that I had no idea where my camera was and indeed couldn't recall even having seeing it for several months, but managed to locate it amongst my triathlon gear (swimming drawer). There might be some logic there but I'm too tired to think what.

Back to the final stage of mapping tomorrow and packing on Friday. It's all going very well. At this rate I might even manage to leave on time.

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