Though this is a holiday rather than a fundraising event, people have been kind enough to want to give donations. So as I've entered the 'Cycle 4 Cynthia' bike ride on 25 September, it seems logical to start the fundraising for that. So if anyone wishes to give a donation, here is the link to my Just Giving page: -

Thank you!

Monday 5 September 2011

Day 9: Tufton to Pelcomb Bridge, 48.28m

Strange how soon what is taken for granted becomes commonplace; a bed, electricity; warmth. It's been lovely. Had a cooked breakfast and still managed to get away just after 7 am. The sun was up and there was an inversion in the valley; it was full of mist down there but clear where I was. Neville predicted it would burn off later.
Set off and it was cold! Not complaining as it was dry, but very chilly. It was such a good start to the day, leaving a lovely place and people like that. Those I met on the road to say ' good morning' were not so friendly. Most often, all I got by way of a response was a level stare. Was it because I was female, a cyclist, English/ outsider, or do folk not say hello to each other here?
Lots of dairy farming here. Stopped to watch a herd taken from parlour to field, was overtaken by a milk tanker, and a few miles out of St Davids, rode carefully on a road where it was clear that cattle had recently passed. Down the road saw said cattle ( including a very young calf) and the farmer tying up the gate with string. Since his vehicle completely blocked the narrow road, I stopped. No rush, I said as he dashed back. Late for church, he said Interesting.
A mile or so further on, saw lots of cars parked by the side of the road, and then heard a bell start to ring. I asked a lady walking behind me if a service was about to start - it was 9:30 - and would I be welcome? So it was that in Wales, hot- bed of Methodism, I ended up going to a C of E ( Wales) service.
The church was lovely; small, plain, white, decorated with flowers and the sun streaming in over the table. I had my shell jacket, so didn't look too violently fluorescent.
Turned out it was a special service as their vicar was moving to a new parish, but I was still made welcome ( and even managed to cope with communion!).
It was still sunny and warm; the mist had indeed burned off. It was good to feel the sun on my back and to see my shadow in front of me - for the last day, as if there is any sun from now on, my shadow will be behind me!

The ' if' regarding sunshine...
Got to St Davids and went to White sands Bay, which is the closest to St Davids Head that you can go with a bike.  Looked at the sea, full of surfers today as the wind was up, had my pic taken by a kind German tourist, and felt - well rather flat actually. That's part of the problem with arbitrary points. There is no signpost to say ' you've done it! Thus far and no further'. It didn't help that it was now starting to rain.
Visited St Justinians and then went into St Davids. A wet Sunday afternoon does not do any town any favours. Looked for somewhere to change my book as I've read both my disposable novels, but no luck. Stopped for ale and cake by way of celebration, for a given value of ' celebration'. And then took bike route 4 out of town, in the pouring rain.
I mentally apologised to Jean as all the gear that had dripped and dried on her Rayburn soaked through again. And I have to say I was annoyed that the wind was still in my face - and with a steep downhill, the rain really stings.  Kept a line of song going: Soon enough/ Soon enough/ This will all be a memory...
Went past Newgale and its campsite which I noticed was heavily puddled, yet there were tents up. Not too wet there, then.
The surf was really rolling now and there were lots of people out, windsurfing and also surfing with kites. I bet they got some speed up.
Through Nolton and on to Pelcomb Bridge which has campsite with pub ( note the order of priority). £10 isn't cheapest but I got a decent dinner and a head start on tomorrow.  Really want to push on and get home now.
By the way, it did stop raining!

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