Though this is a holiday rather than a fundraising event, people have been kind enough to want to give donations. So as I've entered the 'Cycle 4 Cynthia' bike ride on 25 September, it seems logical to start the fundraising for that. So if anyone wishes to give a donation, here is the link to my Just Giving page: -

Thank you!

Saturday 3 September 2011

Day 7: Hay on Wye to Cilycwm. 47.39 miles

Left Hay at 7am, taking the Brecon road, which would have pleased the campsite manager. When I told him my planned route he assured me that the quickest way was the A road to Brecon and straight on to St Davids. It was too difficult to explain that the journey is the experience and St Davids only an arbitrary point to aim for, so I said something about looking at the map and ended the conversation. (I was falling over tired and just wanted to get the tent up and dinner on).
This morning's ride seemed to prove my point, if only to myself. There were pleasant lanes, the slate softened by moss and bracken. The first bike path was an old railway line, now a minor road, and I stopped at Ellwood station ( now a cafe) for a snack and to take a jacket off. Chilly morning and it couldn't seem to decide whether to burn the mist off for another hot day, or rain.
Very tired though and found every hill hard going. This was becoming more of a walking holiday than a cycling one.  Still ahead of tomorrow, but there was no way I could do nearly 100 miles to get to Rosebush. Decided to find one in between, have a half rest day today and easier day tomorrow; will still aim for Rosebush but it will be 50 odd miles instead of 70.
Found a site marked on the map so headed up road and came across this one, an unmarked C&C right close to my route. Lovely long grass, very peaceful ( all I can hear are sheep and birds) £3.
Picked up some food in Builth and have my book. It's sunny and the tent drying nicely.
I've been trying to send this a few times but it keeps failing, so if you don't get it until tomorrow, that's why.

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