Though this is a holiday rather than a fundraising event, people have been kind enough to want to give donations. So as I've entered the 'Cycle 4 Cynthia' bike ride on 25 September, it seems logical to start the fundraising for that. So if anyone wishes to give a donation, here is the link to my Just Giving page: -

Thank you!

Monday 5 September 2011

Day 10. Pelcomb Bridge to Gorlas, 60.98 m

What a wild night last night was! It was so windy I got up at about midnight to put in extra pegs, and was convinced my bike cover was blowing away. Didn't get much sleep, especially when it rained - sounded like hail it was so loud. Must have got some sleep, as woke late and got away at 7:30 only by compressing a 1.5 hour morning routine into one hour. Taking the tent down ( it was still windy) was an interesting procedure, rather like flying a very unwieldy kite at one point.

First morning riding east with the sun in my eyes, and there was a sun; a bit watery, but there. Hoped it would continue.

Crossed the main road to Camrose and through lots of tiny places on very minor and very quiet roads.  The wind dropped though the sky was still interesting, so it was a lovely morning.

The first rain shower came at about 25 mile mark but soon cleared; had a few like that.

Got to St Clears for lunch and also my first shop of the day, so stocked up on Lucozade. Found a charity shop to hand a book in and replace it, and sat by a wooden carving, nearly life size, of the Rebecca Riots, where men wore dresses and blacked their faces and destroyed the toll- gates. Had my lunch there in the sun.

When I left, did up my jacket and found I couldn't. The zip has completely gone on it.  Tried taping it with duct tape ( such a good look, expect to see it in all next year's collections) but the tape wouldn't stick, though it did keep catching my hair.

This was annoying; I could hardly cycle in the rain trying to hold my jacket together. Took bike route into Camarthenn, found a Field & Trek and bought a lightweight running jacket. It swamps me, but can go over my other one.

Camarthen is a big place with some decent shops but there was nothing else I wanted - except to try to leave, which wasn't easy. Found the right route and was glad to be out of the city.

Cloudy and dull from then on.  Some steepish hills, but managed to keep cycling up most of them. Made good time to campsite by 5:30.
Looks like a really tough day tomorrow over the Black Mountains but then should be out of Wales and things should be easier. I think the forecast for tomorrow is also not good, and in fact the rain has set in now.

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